A new network has been officially launched in Cameroon by 12 civil society organizations, dedicated for the protection of human rights defenders. The network is called national network for the protection of human rights defenders (RENAPDDHO, its french acronym). The overall goal is to establish at the national level protection mechanisms for human rights defenders at risk because of the work; it includes among other the creation of an alert system. The network was launched at the Yaoundé Hilton hotel on 20 January 2011 in collaboration with the EU delegation in Cameroon. The network enjoyed support from the EU members states, the UN centre for human rights and democracy in Central Africa and the national commission on human rights and freedom. More on: http://www.renapddho.org/
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Launching of the National Network for the protection of HRDs in Cameroon by Bertrand Tientcheu, 29 Jan 2011 13:48
The Cameroon plate form of civil society orgazations on ESCR has published the alternative report on economic social and cultural rights (ESCR) in Cameroon, and submitted it to the committee on ESCR for consideration during examination of Cameroon at its 47th session in Geneva 14 November - 2 December 2011.
The report can be downloaded here: http://www.plateformedesccam.org/